Welcome to Guy's Fowl Moods Blog. Never figured me for a blogger but here goes.
All fowl raised and owned by the author of this blog are for show purposes only. No fowl bred for Illegal activities. The Fowl I raise are all on the Rare breeds Heritage Poultry list, I am trying to help in their preservation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mighty Mouse

Here he is to save the day, Its mighty mouse. Ok maybe it is strange an old man naming his dang chicken but I use Mighty mouse here as an example to the uneducated people of the world. MM (for short) is a red laced Cornish Bantam cock that stand maybe 9 inches tall. He is almost as wide as he is tall and is solid like a bowling ball. As you can see from the picture his legs, head, everything is built tough. I have MM and his hens (3 nice little Cornish) in a pen roughly 8 by 12 feet, 6 feet tall covered (so something don't crawl in, cause these heavy little suckers aint flying out). His pen is made from chain link fence. Bantam Cornish have been bred from the beginning to nothing but look cute in a show pen. In the pen besides MM is a pair of Brown Red Standard Modern Games. Now remember Modern games were bred in England mid 1800s as a show chicken only. Modern Game roosters stand around 2 foot tall. So we have 2 breeds of chickens that are pet type or show which ever you chose. I am working on some pens and I look over in time to see these 2 roosters fighting through the fence. Sorta. The big tall Modern had some how stuck his head through his chain link fence pen and got it over in MM's side. MM had hold of the big roosters face with his beak and was pulling back for all his might. He had the big roosters neck stretched about a foot it looked like. I have since put a solid partition between them up about 2 foot so they don't have to look at each other. My whole point here is chickens have a natural born instinct to fight and protect their space. There is no training involved. It is the natural order of thing. Darwin called it survival of the fittest.

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