Welcome to Guy's Fowl Moods Blog. Never figured me for a blogger but here goes.
All fowl raised and owned by the author of this blog are for show purposes only. No fowl bred for Illegal activities. The Fowl I raise are all on the Rare breeds Heritage Poultry list, I am trying to help in their preservation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Some historical facts (or at least strong rumors)

Presidents like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln were admirers of the sport of cockfighting and rumor has it that President Lincoln got his nickname "Honest Abe" for his fairness as a judge in cockfights.
The fighting-cock almost became the national emblem of the United States, losing by just one vote to the American eagle.
 It was socially acceptable and encouraged for a gentleman to have a flock of gamecocks and to be an expert on the sport. At one point, the U.S. Became a center for cockfighting activities and events.
 Heres something a little newer in history. I used to like Steven Seagals acting, but after watching this fiasco I will never watch anything of his again.
"Sheriff Joe Arpaio's deputies used armored vehicles, including a tank, to raid the home of a cockfighting suspect. Actor Steven Seagal was riding atop the tank"
The sad thing is, the guy was home alone, no weapons, no cockfighting paraphernalia. He just was "suspected" of raising roosters to fight. So with no proof or probable cause the law officers killed over 100 roosters on the site.      

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